Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Prevention

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Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent” killer because you can’t see, smell nor taste it. Over 1,000 deaths related to carbon monoxide poisoning are reported in the us each year. (Wrong

Most families are not aware of this nor do they know how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. If you suspect that you have a carbon monoxide leak here are some symptoms of exposure to watch out for:

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Make sure you get the victim exposed to fresh air right away. get everyone out of the house and open all the doors and windows. All appliances should be turned off and transport everyone exposed to the emergency room right away. (Carbon Monoxide

Follow these simple guidelines from Underwriters Laboratories to protect your family and yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide leaks are most common when the home is closed up. usually it is due to a malfunctioning appliance that runs on fuel. Make sure you have a carbon monoxide alarm.

Kidde Battery carbon monoxide Detector

Statistically only about 50% of us households have a carbon monoxide detector or alarm in their home. carbon monoxide related deaths are so high due to the symptoms of exposure being very similar to influenza. most of the deaths occur at night. someone in the home isn’t feeling very well so he decides to lay down but never wakes up. The only way to prevent that from happening is by installing a carbon monoxide detector.

If you suspect that you have a carbon monoxide leak in your home it is best to contact a professional who knows how to look for leaks. It could be coming from your water heater, furnace or chimney. have these things inspected at least once a year to prevent leaks. carbon monoxide could be leaking from your chimney if you see black streaks of soot. If soot is falling down that means there is something wrong higher up. A yearly inspection can prevent leaks from your chimney.

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Visit Underwriters Laboratories for more information on preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.

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